1) Fractal Property
of Matrix Cracking in GFRP Cross-Ply Laminates, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo
Kobayashi, JSME International Journal, Series A, 38(4), pp.446-452(1995)
2) Damage Monitoring for Semi-Transparent Composites Using Luminance of EL Backlight, Akira Todoroki,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, JSME International Journal, Series A, 43(1), pp.76-82(2000)
3) Stacking Sequence Optimizations Using Fractal Branch and Bound Method for Laminated Composites,
Yuichiro Terada, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, JSME International Journal, Series A, 44(4),
4) Electric Resistance Change Method for Identification of Embedded Delamination of CFRP Plates, Akira
Todoroki, Yuuki Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Material Science Research International, Special Technical
Publication 2, pp.139-145(2001)
5) Stacking Sequence Optimizations Using Modified Global Response Surface in Lamination Parameters,
Akira Todoroki, Kentarou Suenaga, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Advanced Composite Materials, 12(1),
6) Measurement of Orthotropic Electric Conductance of CFRP Laminates and Analysis of The Effect on
Delamination Monitoring with Electric Resistance Change Method, Akira Todoroki, Miho Tanaka, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Composite Science and Technology, 62(5), pp.619-628(2002)
7) Delamination Monitoring of Graphite/Epoxy Laminated Composite Plate of Electric Resistance Change
Method, Akira Todoroki, Yuuki Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Composite Science and Technology, 62(9),
8) Unsupervised Structural Damage Diagnostic Method Using Judgment of Change of Response Surface by
Statistical Tool -Application for Damage Detection of Composite Structure-, Atushi Iwasaki, Akira
Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideo Kobayashi, JSME International Journal, Series A, 47(1),
9) Development of the Two-Step Delamination Identification Method by Resonant and Anti-Resonant
Frequency Changes, Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Key Engineering
Materials, 270-273, pp.1852-1858(2004)
10) Luminance Change Method for Strain and Matrix Cracking Monitoring of Glass/epoxy Composites with EL
Backlight, Akira Todoroki, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Composite Science and Technology,
63(2), pp.273-281(2003)
11) High Performance Estimations of Delamination of Graphite/Epoxy Laminates with Electric Resistance
Change Method, Akira Todoroki, Miho Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Composites Science and Technology,
63(13), pp.1911-1920(2003)
12) Effects of Delamination Shape with a Matrix Crack on Monitoring by Electrical Resistance Method,
Akira Todoroki, Miho Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideo Kobayashi, Advanced Composite Materials, 13(2),
13) Damage Monitoring of Al2O3/Epoxy Laminates with Luminance Change of Transmitted Light of EL Device,
Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yasuyuki Tanaka, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials,
11(2-3), pp.111-121(2004)
14) Wireless Strain Monitoring Using Electrical Capacitance Change of Tire: part I- with Oscillating
Circuit, Akira Todoroki, Shintaro Miyatani, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Smart Materials and Structures, 12(3),
15) Wireless Strain Monitoring Using Electrical Capacitance Change of Tire: part II- Passive, Akira
Todoroki, Shintaro Miyatani, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Smart Materials and Structures, 12(3),
16) Determination of Damaged Region in Composite Structures by Anti-resonant Frequency, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Yoshifumi Okajima, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Transactions of Materials Research
Society of Japan, 28, pp.711-714(2003)
17) Fracture Monitoring System of Sewer Pipe with Composite Fracture Sensors via the Internet, Akira
Todoroki, Yusuke Takeuchi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Atushi Iwasaki, Tsuneya Sugiya, Structural Health
Monitoring, 3, pp.5-17(2004)
18) Multi-prove Electric Potential Change Method for Delamination Monitoring of Graphite/Epoxy Composite
Plates Using Normalized Response Surfaces, Akira Todoroki, Yuuki Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Composites
Science and Technology, 64(5), pp.749-758(2004)
19) Identifying Delamination in Cross-ply and Quasi-isotropic Beams of CFRP by a Standardized Electrical
Resistance Method, Akira Todoroki, Yuuki Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Polymers & Polymer Composites,
12(1), pp.75-85(2004)
20) Monitoring of Delamination of Laminated CFRP Using the Electrical Potential Change Method
(Application of Normalization Method and the Effect of the Shape of a Delamination Crack), Masahito
Ueda, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Hideo Kobayashi, Advanced Composite Materials, 13(3-4),
21) Monitoring of Delamination of Laminated CFRP Using the Electrical Potential Change Method (Two-Stage
Monitoring for Robust Estimation), Masahito Ueda, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Hideo
Kobayashi, Advanced Composite Materials, 14(1), pp.83-98(2005)
22) Passive Wireless Strain Monitoring of a Tire Using Capacitance and Electromagnetic Induction Change,
Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Advanced Composite Materials
(to be published)
23) Electrical
Impedance Change Method for Moisture Absorption Monitoring of CFRP, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takashi
Urabe, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Advanced Composite Materials, 13(3-4), pp.297-310(2004)
24) Simulation of
Debonding for Skin/Stiffener Composite Structures, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoshiharu Miyamoto,
Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Advanced Composite Materials, 14(1), pp.63-82(2005)
25) Effect of Fiber Volume Fraction on Monitoring Delamination of CFRP Laminates with Electric
Resistance Change Method, Masahito Ueda, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials,
270-273, pp.1935-1942(2004)
26) Measurement of Moisture Absorption Ratio of FRP Using Micro Polymer Sensor,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takashi Urabe, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Key Engineering Materials, 270-273,
27) Unsupervised Statistical diagnostic method for Structural Health Monitoring of Existing Structure
(Application for delamination detection of composite Structure), Atsushi Iwasaki, Akira Todoroki,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideo Kobayashi, Smart Materials and Structures, 13, pp.80-85(2004)
28) Electrical Resistance Change Method for Monitoring Delaminations of CFRP Laminates: Effect of
Spacing between Electrodes, Akira Todoroki, Miho Tanaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Composites Science and
Technology, 65(1), pp.37-46(2005)
29) Application of Electrical Resistance Change Method to Damage Detection of CFRP Bolted
Joints, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiko Oda, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Takaomi Inada, Key
Engineering Materials, 297-300, pp.653-656(2005)
30) Detection of Matrix Cracking of CFRP Using Electrical Resistance Changes, Kazuomi Omagari, Akira
Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideo Kobayashi, Key Engineering Materials, 297-300,
31) Impact Behavior
and Energy Transfer Efficiency of Pulse-Driven Bent-Beam Electrothermal Actuators, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Kabir Udeshi, Long Que, Jaehyun Park and Yogesh B. Gianchandani, J.MEMS, 15(1),
32) Detectability of Bearing Failure of Composite Bolted Joints by Electric Resistance
Change Method, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiko Oda, Akira Todoroki and Masahito Ueda, Key Engineering
Materials, 321-323, pp.957-962(2006)
33) Matrix Crack Detection of CFRP Using Electrical resistance Change with Integrated Surface Probes,
Akira Todoroki, Kazuomi Omagari, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Hideo Kobayashi, Compos. Sci. Technol., 66(11),
pp.1539-1545 (2006)
34) Deformation Behavior of Shape-Control Plate Using NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Wire, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Yuki Tochigi, Hiroyasu Araki and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, 340-341,
35) FRP Fracture Simulation Using Parallel Processing on a PC Cluster, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Yosuke Yamamura and Akira Todoroki, Key Engineering Materials, 353-358,
36) Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Structural Metal Materials Taking Account of
Surface Crack Effects, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiromitsu Suzuki and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering
Materials, 353-358, p1068-1071(2007)
37) Damage Monitoring of Thick CFRP Beam Using Electrical Impedance Changes, Akira Todoroki, Masahito
Ueda and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, 353-358, p1298-1301(2007)
38) Statistical Damage Detection of Laminated CFRP Beam Using Electrical Resistance Change Method,
Kosuke Takahashi, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Atsushi Iwasaki, Key Engineering Materials,
353-358, p1330-1333(2007)
39) Monitoring of Delamination of the CFRP Beam by the Smart Structure System Using the SI-F Method,
Kazuhiro Yuguchi, Atsushi Iwasaki, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Akira Todoroki, Key Engineering Materials,
353-358, p1427-1430(2007)
40) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Atushi Yamamoku, Keiichiro Tohgo, Shigeru Tasaka and Hiroyasu Araki, Key Engineering
Materials, 345-346, pp.1225-1228 (2007)
41) Fatigue of Metal Free Reed due to Self-Excited Oscillation, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroyasu Araki, Yosuke Mizuno, Shoji Kawaguchi, Masaru Hashimto and Tokuichi Inoue,
Advanced Materials Research, 33-37, pp. 267-272 (2008)
42) Influence of Microstructure on Fracture Toughness Distribution in Ceramic-Metal Functionally Graded
Materials, Keiichiro Tohgo, Mitsuhisa Iizuka, Hiroyasu Araki and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Engineering
Fracture Mechanics, 75, 4529-4541(2008)
43) Damage and Fault Diagnosis of In-service Structure via Statistical Comparison of Relation between
Sensor measurements (Damage Diagnosis of in-service Structure under High Noise Environment using
Multiple Reference Data), Atsushi Iwasaki, Akira Todoroki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tsuneya Sugiya, Satoshi
Izumi, Shinsuke Sakai, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.2, No.8, pp.1114-1125
44) Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress Corrosion Cracking on a Smooth Surface of Sensitized Stainless
Steel Type 304, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiromitsu Suzuki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Guen Nakayama, Takashi Hirano,
Corrosion Science, Vol.51, No.9, pp. 2208-2217 (2009)
45) A Micro-Mechanics Model for Composites Reinforced by Regularly Distributed Particles With an
Inhomogeneous Interphase, Yunpeng Jiang, Keiichiro Tohgo and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Comp. Mater. Sci.,
Vol.46, No.2, pp.507-515 (2009)
46) An Analytical Model to Study the Effective Stiffness of the Composites with Periodically Distributed
Sphere Particles, Yunpeng Jiang, Keiichiro Tohgo and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Compos. Struct., Vol. 92,
No.2, pp.216-222 (2010)
47) A Constitutive Model of Particulate-Reinforced Composites Taking Account of Particle Size Effects
and Damage Evolution, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yu Itoh and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Compos. A, Vol. 41, No. 2,
48) Electrical
Resistance Change Under Strain of CNF/flexible-epoxy Composite, Tetsuo Yasuoka, Yoshinobu
Shimamura and Akira Torodoki, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.19, No.2, pp.123-138 (2010)
49) Reciprocating Bending Deformation and Mechanical Response of Shape-control Plate Using NiTi Shape
Memory Alloy Wire, Keiichiro Tohgo and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
Structures, Vo.21, pp.941-951 (2010)
50) Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress Corrosion Cracking on Smooth Surface of a Sensitized Stainless
Steel Type 304 under Non-Uniform Stress Condition, Hiromitsu Suzuki, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Guen Nakayama And Takashi Hirano, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.
4, No.7, pp.898-907 (2010)
51) Quantitative Dependence of the Effective Modulus of Particle Reinforced Composites on Partially
Debonding Damage, Yunpeng JIANG, Keiichiro TOHGO and Yoshinobu SHIMAMURA, Journal of Solid Mechanics and
Materials Engineering, Vol. 4, No.7, pp.1083-1093 (2010)
52) Microscopic Structure
Control of Carbon Nanofiller/Epoxy Composite by Using AC Electrical Field and the Effect on Physical
Properties, Shimamura Yoshinobu, Chiba Toshihiro, Okuda Naoki and Tohgo Keiichiro, Journal of
Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4, No.11, pp.1550-1562 (2010)
53) Fabrication and Strength Evaluation of Biocompatible Ceramic-Metal Composite Materials, Tomoyuki
Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroyasu Araki, Katsunori Wakazono, Masaki Ishikura and Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, Vol.4, No.11, pp.1699-1710 (2010)
54) Analysis of Crack-tip Field of Particulate-Reinforced Composites Taking Account of Particle Size
Effect and Debonding Damage, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yu Itoh, Daisuke Kato and Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.452-453, pp.625-628 (2010)
55) Influence of Strength Level of Steels on Fatigue Strength and Fracture Morphology of Spot Welded
Joints, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoya Ohguma, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Yoshifumi Ojima, Key Engineering
Materials, Vols.462-463, pp.94-99 (2011)
56) Effect of Material Composition on Mechanical Properties of Ceramics-Metal Composite Materials,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroyasu Araki, Katsunori Wakazono, Masaki Ishikura and Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.462-463, pp.100-105 (2011)
57) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics under Hot-Wet Environment, Hideaki Katogi,
Kenichi Takemura and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.462-463, pp.207-212 (2011)
58) Cyclic Behavior of Electrical Resistance Type Low Stiffness, Large Strain Sensor by
Using Carbon Nanofiber/Flexible Epoxy Composite, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kyohei Kageyama, Keiichiro
Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Key Engineering Materials, Vols.462-463, pp.1200-1205 (2011)
59) Anisotropic Carbon Nanotube Papers Fabricated from Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Webs, Yoku Inoue,
Yusuke Suzuki, Yoshitaka Minami, Junichi Muramatsu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Katsunori Suzuki, Adrian
Ghemes, Morihiro Okada, Shingo Sakakibara, Hidenori Mimura and Kimiyoshi Naito, Carbon, Vol.49, No.7,
pp.2437-2443 (2011)
60) Mechanical Properties of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube / Epoxy Composites Processed Using a
Hot-Melt Prepreg Method, Toshio Ogasawara, Sook-Young Moon, Yoku Inoue and Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Composites Sciences and Technology, Vol.71, pp.1826-1833 (2011)
61) Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo Yutao Wang, Jun Shibata, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Nobuyuki Katayama and
Yoichi Ito, Fatigue Strength of a Paper-Based Friction Material Under Shear-Compressive Loading,
Strength, Fracture and Complexity, Vol.7, pp.185-193 (2011)
62) Ultrasonic Dispersion of SiO2 Particles in Glassy Epoxy Resin, Yunpeng Jiang, Keiichiro Tohgo and
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol.46, No.10, pp. 1159-1168 (2012)
63) Fatigue Behavior
of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced PLA, Hideaki Katogi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Advanced Composite Materials, Vol.21, No.1, pp.1-10 (2012)
64) Development of Ultrasonic
Torsional Fatigue Tester to Evaluate Rolling Bearing Steels, Noriaki Sakanaka, Yukio Matsubara,
Yoshinobu Shimamura and Hitoshi ISHI, J. ASTM Intl., STP 1548, pp.237-254 (2012)
65) Fracture Mechanics Study on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior under Corrosive Environment, Tomoyuki
NAKAYAMA, Yohei SAKAKIBARA, Takashi HIRANO, J. Solid. Mech. Mater. Eng., Vol.7, No.3, pp.341-356
66) Patch-type
Large Strain Sensor Using Elastomeric Composite Filled with Carbon Nanofibers, Tetsuo Yasuoka,
Yoshinobu Shimamura and Akira Todoroki, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences,
Vol.14, No. 2, pp. 146-151 (2013)
67) Nanoscopic Observations For Evaluating the Failure Process of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon
Nanotube/Epoxy Composites, Terumasa Tsuda, Toshio Ogasawara, Sook-Yong Moon, Kengo Nakamoto, Nobuo
Takeda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Composites Science and Technology, Volume 88, No.14, pp.48-56
68) Fatigue
Properties of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime Under Torsional Loading,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Koichiro Narita, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Tooru Yagasaki and
Masamichi Harada, Intl. J. Fatigue, Vol.60, pp.57-62 (2014)
69) Fretting Fatigue Testing of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime Using an Ultrasonic
Torsional Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akito Kokubo, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Tooru Yagasaki, Masamichi Harada, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 891-892 (2014) pp
70) Influence of Particle Size and Debonding Damage on an Elastic-Plastic Singular Field around a
Crack-Tip in Particulate-Reinforced Composites, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Daisuke Kato and
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Acta Mechanica, Vol.255, pp.1373-1389 (2014)
71) Tensile
Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composite Fabricated by Pultrusion of Carbon Nanotube
Spun Yarn Preform, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kahori Oshima, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichi
Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Ken Goto, Toshio Ogasawara, Kimiyoshi Naito, Takayuki Nakano,
Yoku Inoue, Composites: Part A 62, pp.32-38 (2014)
72) Chemical Recycling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Usingsupercritical Methanol, Idzumi
Okajima,Masataka Hiramatsu,Yoshinobu Shimamura,Taichi Awaya,Takeshi Sako, The Journal of Supercritical
Fluids, Vol.91 pp.68-76 (2014), doi: 10.1016/j.supflu.2014.04.011
73) Effects of Stretching on Mechanical Properties of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy
Composites, Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Hirokazu Nakayama, Kahori Oshima, Vikum Premalal, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Kimiyoshi Naito, Satoshi Kobayashi, Composites Part A, Vol.64, pp.194-202 (2014),
doi: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.05.013.
74) Three Dimensional Orientation Angle Distribution Counting and Calculation for The Mechanical
Properties of Aligned Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composites, Terumasa Tsuda, Toshio Ogasawara, Sook-Young
Moon, Kengo Nakamoto, Nobuo Takeda, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Yoku Inoue, Composites: Part A, Vol.65,
pp.1-9 (2014), DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.05.009
75) Multi-Physics Simulation of Oxygen Diffusion in PSZ-Ti Composites during Spark Plasma Sintering
Process, Computational Materials Science, Vol.95, pp.29-34 (2014), DOI:
76) Stress Transfer Efficiency in Aligned Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Sheet / Epoxy Composites, Terumasa
Tsuda, Toshio Ogasawara, Sook-Young Moon, Kengo Nakamoto, Nobuo Takeda, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Yoku
Inoue, Composites: Part A, Vol. 67 pp.16-21 (2014), DOI: 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.07.004
77) Fabrication of PSZ-Ti Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Masataka Harada, Hiroshi Isono; Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Science
& Engineering A, 621, pp.166-172 (2015), DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.10.062
78) Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Stress Corrosion Cracking of Sensitized Type 304
Stainless Steel under High-Temperature and High-Purity Water, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Akihiro
Kenmochi and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Corrosion Science, 97 (2015), pp.139-149, DOI:
79) Effects of CNT diameter on mechanical properties of aligned CNT sheets and composites, Tran Huu Nam,
Ken Goto, Yudai Yamaguchi, E.V.A. Premalal, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Kimiyoshi Naito, Shinji
Ogihara, Composites Part A, 76, pp.289-298 (2015), DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2015.06.009
80) Elastic Analysis of Tensile Behavior of Composite
Using Unidirectionally Aligned Staple-Spun Yarn Preform, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Diyun Miao,
Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Textile Research Journal, 86(4), pp.440-448 (2016),
81) Mechanical Property Enhancement of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Sheets and Composites
Through Pressdrawing Process, Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Kahori Oshima, Edirisinghage Vikum Anura Premalal,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Kimiyoshi Naito, Shinji Ogihara, Advanced Composite Materials, 25(1),
pp.73-86 (2016), DOI:10.1080/09243046.2014.985419
82) Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Fracture Mechanism of Three-sheet Spot Weld-bonded Joints Under
Tensile-shear Loading, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yukinori Suzuki, Takahiro Yamamoto, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, International Journal of Fatigue, 87(10), pp.424-434 (2016),
83) A Micromechaqnics-based Inremental Damage Theory of Bulk Metallic Glass Matrix Composites, Yunpeng
Jiang, Keiichiro Tohgo and Yoshinobu Shimamura, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, 25(3),
pp.358-376 (2016), DOI:10.1177/1056789515586073
84) Evaluation of Interfacial Shear Stress Between Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes and Epoxy Based on
Strain Distribution Measurement Using Raman Spectroscopy, Shigeki Yashiro, Yoshihisa Sakaida, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Composites: Part A, 85, pp.192-198 (2016),
85) Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Electrothermal Actuators using Aligned Carbon Nanotube
Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Keiichi Shirasu, Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Yoku Inoue and Toshiyuki Hashida, Mechanical Engineering Journal, 3(4), p.15-00607 (2016),
86) Simulation of Water Impregnation Through Vertically Aligned CNT Forests Using a Molecular Dynamics
Method, Tomohiro Tajiri, Ryosuke Matsuzaki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Scientific Reports, 6, 32262 (2016),
87) Evaluation of Very High Cycle
Fatigue Properties of b-Titanium Alloy by Using an Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine, Reo
Kasahara, Masato Nishikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Key Engineering
Materials, 725, pp.366-371, 2016, DOI:10.4028/
88) Effects of Interfacial Thermal Resistance on Surface Cracking in a Coating Layer Bonded to a
Substrate, Zhi-He Jin, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Mechanical Engineering
Letters, 2, 16-00436 (2016), DOI:10.1299/mel.16-00436
89) Fabrication of a PSZ-Ti Functionally Graded Material by Spark Plasma Sintering and Its Fracture
Toughness, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroshi Isono, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Science &
Engineering A, 682, 13, pp.656-663 (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2016.11.091
90) Recycling of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Containing Amine-cured Epoxy Resin Using Supercritical
and Subcritical Fluids, Idzumi Okajima, Kaori Watanabe, Shogo Haramiishi, Mizuki Nakamura, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Takeshi Sako, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 119, pp.44-51 (2017),
91) Fabrication of a PSZ-Ti Functionally Graded Material by Spark Plasma Sintering and Its Fracture
Toughness, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroshi Isono, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Science &
Engineering A, 682, 13, pp.656-663 (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2016.11.091
92) Mechanical Properties of Cross-ply and Quasi-isotropic Composite Laminates Processed Using Aligned
Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Prepreg, Toshio Ogasawara, Satoru Hanamitsu, Takeshi Ogawa,
Sook-Young Moon, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Yoku Inoue, Advanced Composite Materials, 26(2), pp.157-168
(2017), DOI:10.1080/09243046.2016.1226688
93) Potential Use of CNTs for Production of Zero Thermal Expansion Coefficient Composite Materials: An
Experimental Evaluation of Axial Thermal Expansion Coefficient of CNTs Using a Combination of Thermal
Expansion and Uniaxial Tensile Tests, Keiichi Shirasu, Akihiro Nakamura, Go Yamamoto, Toshio Ogasawara,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Toshiyuki Hashida, Composites: Part A, 95, pp.152-160 (2017),
94) On the ΔJ integral to Characterize Elastic-Plastic Fatigue Crack Growth under Cyclic Large Scale
Deformation, Muhamad Azmi Bin Muhamad Safwan, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Engineering Fracture Mechanic, 176, pp.300-307 (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2017.03.041
95) Double Edge Thermal Crack Problem for an Interpenetrating Phase Composite: Application of a
Matricity-based Thermal Conductivity Model, Zhi-He Jin, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 177, pp.167-179 (2017),
96) Densification Process in Fabrication of PSZ-Ti Composites by Spark Plasma Sintering Technique,
Tomoya Shinohara, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Material Characterization,
132, pp. 230-238 (2017), DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2017.08.016
97) Key Factors Limiting Carbon Nanotube Strength: Structural Characterization and Mechanical Properties
of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes, Keiichi Shirasu, Itaru Tamaki, Takamichi Miyazaki, Go Yamamoto, Raman
Bekarevich, Kaori Hirahara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue and Toshiyuki Hashida, Mechanical
Engineering Journal, 4(5), pp.17-00029 (2017), DOI:10.1299/mej.17-00029
98) Development of Large-Movements and High-Force Electrothermal Bimorph Actuators Based on Aligned
Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composites, Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Yoku Inoue, Toshio Ogasawara,
Yoshinobu Shimamura and Toshiyuki Hashida, Sensors & Actuators A: Physical, 267, pp.455-463 (2017),
99) Crystallography of Intergranular Corrosion in Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steel, Tomoyuki Fujii,
Yota Mori, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Characterization, 144, pp.219-226 (2018),
100) Fracture Toughness Distribution of Alumina-Titanium Functionally Graded Materials Fabricated by
Spark Plasma Sintering, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Masahiro Iwao, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of
Alloys and Compounds, 766, pp.1-11 (2018), DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.06.304
101) Influence of Thickness on Tensile Property of Copper Foil, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Yasuhiro Noda, Tatsunori Yamada and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Key Engineering Materials, 774, pp.19-24
(2018), DOI:10.4028/
102) Effect of Matrix Ductility on Fatigue Strength of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarns Impregnated with
Biodegradable Plastics, Hideaki Katogi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Kenichi
Takemura, Advanced Composite Materials, 27(3), pp.235-247 (2018), DOI:10.1080/09243046.2017.1381896
103) Periodic Surface Cracks in an Interpenetrating Phase Composite Under a Thermal Shock, Zhi-He Jin,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Naotake Noda, Internationla Journal of
Mechanical Sciences, 149, pp.583-590 (2018), DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.02.021
104) Characterization of Stress Corrosion Crack Growth in Austenitic Stainless Steel Under Variable
Loading in Small- And Large-Scale Yielding Conditions, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Motohiro
Kawamori and Yoshinobu Shimamura,
, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 205, pp.94-107 (2019), DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.11.020
105) Fabrication of Alumina-PSZ Composites via Spark Plasma Sintering and Their Mechanical Properties,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Pandoyo Bayu Putra, and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of the Mechanical
Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 91, pp.45-53 (2019), DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.11.028
106) Crystallographic and Mechanical Investigation of
Intergranular Stress Corrosion Crack Initiation in Austenitic Stainless
Steel, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yota Mori, Yutaro Miura, and Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Materials Science & Engineering A, 751(28), pp.160-170 (2019),
107) Strain-based Approach to Investigate Intergranular Stress Corrosion Crack Initiation on a Smooth
Surface of Austenitic Stainless Steel, Tomoyuki Fujii, Ryohei Yamakawa, Keiichiro Tohgo, and Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Materials Science & Engineering A, 756(22), pp.518-527 (2019),
108) Feasibility Study on
Application of Synchrotron Radiation μCT Imaging to Alloy Steel for Non-Destructive Inspection of
Inclusions (Communication), Yoshinobu Shimamura, Shinya Matsushita, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Koichi Akita, Takahisa Shobu and Ayumi Shiro, Metals, 9(5), 527 (2019),
109) Property Improvement of CNT Spun Yarns and Their Composites Through Pressing, Stretching and
Tensioning , Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, and Shinji Ogihara, Advanced
Composite Materials, 28(5), 507-524 (2019), DOI:10.1080/09243046.2019.1610586
110) Infrared-driven Poly(vinylidene difluoride)/tungsten Oxide PyroelectricGenerator for Non-contact
Energy Harvesting, Chang-Mou Wu, Min-Hui Chou, Tolesa Fita Chala, Yoshinobu Shimamura, and Ri-ichi
Murakami, Composites Science and Technology, 178, 26-32 (2019),
111) Improved Mechanical Properties of Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Thermoplastic Polyimide
Composites by Hot Stretching, Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Toshiki Kamei, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue,
Satoshi Kobayashi, Shinji Ogihara, Journal of Composite Materials, 53(9), pp.1241-1253 (2019),
112) Investigation on Nucleation of Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in Austenitic Stainless
Steel by in situ Strain Measurement, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshikatsu Hisada, Keiichiro Tohgo, and Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Materials Science & Engineering A, 773, 138858 (2020), DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2019.138858
113) Crystallographic Evaluation of Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion in Austenitic Stainless
Steel with Various Degrees of Sensitization, Tomoyuki Fujii, Takaya Furumoto, Keiichiro Tohgo, and
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials, 13(3), 613 (2020), DOI:10.3390/ma13030613
114) Mechanical Characterization on Solvent Treated
Cellulose Nanofiber Preforms Using Solution Dipping–Hot Press Technique, Devendran
Thirunavukarasu, Yoshiobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Nanomaterilas, 10(5), 841
(2020), DOI:10.3390/nano10050841
115) Proposal of an Alternating Bending Technique for Evaluating Low-to-high Cycle Fatigue of Structural
Steels, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Masafumi Fujioka, Muhamad Safwan Bin Muhamad Azmi, Kodai
Kikushima, and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures,
43(9), pp.1917-1927 (2020), DOI:10.1111/ffe.13243
116) Effects of High-Temperature Thermal Annealing on Properties of Aligned Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube
Sheets and Their Composites, Tran Huu Nam, Ken Goto, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Go Yamamoto,
Keiichi Shirasu, Toshiyuki Hashida, Composite Interfaces, 27(6), pp.569-586 (2020),
117) Investigation of Physical and Mechanical
Properties of Nano-pulverized Cellulose Nanofiber Preform Sheets for CNF Thermoset Nanocomposites
Application, Devendran Thirunavukarasu, Yuta Saito, Yoshiobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and
Tomoyuki Fujii, Wood Science and Technology, 54(5), pp.1349-1362 (2020),
118) Analysis of the Early Stage of Stress Corrosion Cracking in austenitic Stainless Steel by EBSD and
XRD, Tomoyuki Fujii, Ryohei Yamakawa, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Characterization,
172, 110882 (2021), DOI:10.1016/j.matchar.2021.110882
119) Spark Plasma Sintering of PSZ-Ti Composites Using Ceramic-Coated Ti Powder to Suppress Sintering
Reactions, Tomoyuki Fujii, Masaki Suzuki, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Metallurgical and
Materials Transactions A, 52(4), 1443-1452 (2021), DOI:10.1007/s11661-021-06177-w
120) Study on the Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Twisted CNT Yarns Fabricated from CNTs with
Various Diameters, Yoku Inoue, Kohei Hayashi, Motoyuki Karita, Takayuki Nakano, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichi Shirasu, Go Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Hashida, Carbon, 176, pp.400-410 (2021),
121) Mechanical Criterion for Nucleation of Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking in Austenitic
Stainless Steel, Tomoyuki Fujii, Tatsuro Sawada, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Forces in
Mechanics, 3, 100013 (2021), DOI:10.1016/j.finmec.2021.100013
122) Interfacial Properties of Bonded Dissimilar Materials Fabricated via Spark Plasma Sintering,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Kenta Goto, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Transactions, 62(8),
1102-1108 (2021), DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MT-Z2021001
123) Proposal of Analytical Model of Tensile
Property of Untwisted Carbon Nanotube Yarn and Estimation of Tensile Property of Carbon
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yudai Yamaguchi, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, Materials
Transactions, 62(9),
1291-1297 (2021), DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MT-Z2021005
124) Influence of Strain Gradient on Fatigue Life of Carbon Steel for Pressure Vessels in Low-Cycle and High-Cycle Fatigue Regimes, Tomoyuki Fujii, Muhamad S. B. Muhamad Azmi, Keiichiro Tohgo, and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials, 15(2), 445 (2022), DOI:10.3390/ma1502044
125) Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion in Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steel Characterized via Crystallographic Characteristics of Grain Boundaries , Tomoyuki Fujii, Masanori Suzuki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Corrosion Science, 195, 109946 (2022), DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2021.109946
126) Tensile Properties and Fracture Behavior of Carbon Nanotube-sheets/Carbon fibers Epoxy-impregnated Bundle Composites, Kimiyoshi Naito, Chiemi Nagai, Keiichi Shirasu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Polymers and Polymer Composites, 30, 10.1177/09673911221109436 (2022), DOI:10.1177/09673911221109436
127) Uniform Porous and Functionally Graded Porous Titanium Fabricated via Space Holder Technique with Spark Plasma Sintering for Biomedical Applications, Tomoyuki Fujii, Ryo Murakami, Naoto Kobayashi, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Advanced Powder Technology, 33(6), 103598 (2022), DOI:10.1016/j.apt.2022.103598
128) Axial Fatigue Testing of CFRP Quasi-isotropic Laminate by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine (Letter to the Editor), Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Tomoyuki Fujii and Keiichiro Tohgo, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 45(8), 2421-2424 (2022), DOI:10.1111/ffe.13763
129) Standardization of an Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Method in Japan (Technical note), Yoshiyuki Furuya, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Masahiro Takanashi, Takeshi Ogawa, Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures, 45(8), 2415-2420 (2022), DOI:10.1111/ffe.13727
130) Micromechanical Approach to Predict Mechanical Properties of Particulate-dispersed Composites with Dissimilar Interfacial Phases, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Takahiro Omi, Yoshinobu Shimamura , Journal of Composites Science, 6(12), 356 (2022), DOI:10.3390/jcs6120356
131) Strain Concentration of Double-edge Hole Ductile Composites in the Full Range of Deformation by Digital Image Correlation, Sanjay Kumar, Chang-Mou Wu, Po-Chun Lin, Jieng-Chiang Chen, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Express Polymer Letters, 16(10), 1038-1051 (2022), DOI:10.3144/expresspolymlett.2022.76
132) Effect of Annealing and Diameter on Tensile Property of Spinnable Carbon Nanotube and Unidirectional Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Composite, Naoki Tokumitsu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, Journal of Composites Science, 6(12), 389 (2022), DOI:10.3390/jcs6120389
133) Evaluation of the Effect of Diameter of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube on the Tensile Strength Using Sonication-Induced Fragmentation, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Po-Wei Su and Yoku Inoue, Modern Physics Letters B, 37(17), 2340015 (2023), DOI:10.1142/S0217984923400158
134) Nucleation of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Aluminum Alloy 6061 in Sodium Chloride Solution: Mechanical and Microstructural Aspects, Tomoyuki Fujii, Tatsuro Sawada, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 938(25), 168583 (2023), DOI:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.168583
135) Raman Spectroscopy Used for Estimating the Effective Elastic Modulus of Carbon Nanotubes in Aligned Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes/ Epoxy Composites Under Tensile Loading, Ayaka Aoki, Toshio Ogasawara, Takuya Aoki, Yuichi Ishida, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 167, 107448 (2023), DOI:10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107448
136) Synergistic Mixing Effects on Electrical and Mechanical Properties in Homogeneous CNT/Cu Composites, Kosuke Tanaka, Takayuki Nakano, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoku Inoue, ACS Applied Engineering Materials , 1(9), 2359-236 (2023), DOI:10.1021/acsaenm.3c00269
137) Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress corrosion Cracking in Welded Metals, Tomoyuki Fujii, Naoya Ogasawara, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 257, 108561 (2023), DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2023.108561
138) Growth Characteristics of Stress Corrosion Cracking in High-strength 7075 Aluminum Alloy in Sodium Chloride Solutions , Tomoyuki Fujii, Daiki Ito, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 292, 109657 (2023), DOI:10.1016/j.engfracmech.2023.109657
139) Fabrication of Porous Steels via Space Holder Technique and Their Mechanical Properties, Tomoyuki Fujii, Shu Saito, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Materials Transactions, 64(7), 2023, 1638-1644, DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MT-Z2023002
140) Unidirectional Titanium Fiber-reinforced Porous Titanium with Mechanical Properties Suitable for Load-bearing Biomaterials, Naoto Kobayashi, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 151, 106388 (2024), DOI:10.1016/j.jmbbm.2024.106388
141) Intergranular Corrosion in Sensitized Austenitic Stainless Steel Subjected to Tensile Loading and Unloading in the Elastic-plastic Region , Tomoyuki Fujii, Kizuku Kawarabayashi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Corrosion Science, 230, 111896 (2024), DOI:10.1016/j.corsci.2024.111896
142) Monte Carlo Simulation of Stress Corrosion Cracking in Welded Metal with Surface Defects and Life Estimation, Tomoyuki Fujii, Naoya Ogasawara, Keiichiro Tohgo, Yoshinobu Shimamura, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 270, 109079 (2024), DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109079
143) Effect of Mean Torsional Stress on Very High Cycle Torsional Fatigue Strength of High Strength Steel, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yusuke Hayashi, Masao Kinefuchi, Ryota Tanegashima, Kazuya Sugitani, Yusuke Sandaiji, Tomoyuki Fujii, Shoichi Kikuchi, Keiichiro Tohgo, Materials Transactions, 65 (6), 2024, 637-643, DOI:10.2320/matertrans.MT-Z2024003
144) Stochastic Model for Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of Stainless Steel, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yuki Takeichi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 286, 109888 (2025), DOI:10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2024.109888
145) Development of Short-Titanium-Fiber-Reinforced PorousTitanium as Biometal for Implants, So Shimizu, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Journal of Composites Science, 9(1), 10 (2025), DOI:10.3390/jcs9010010
1) Masatoshi Kubouchi, Terence. P. Tumolva, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Biofiber-Reinforced Thermoset Composites, in Polymer Composites (eds S. Thomas,
K. Joseph, S. K. Malhotra, K. Goda and M. S. Sreekala), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim,
Germany pp.213-237 (2013)
1) Application of 2-D FEM Damage Simulation for Composite Plates, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki,
Hideo Kobayashi, Haruo Nakamura and Tomoo Minowa, Proc. Japan-U.S. CCM-VII, (1995), pp.57-62, Kyoto,
2) Damage Propagation Simulation Based on 2-D FEM for Composite Laminates, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira
Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. ICCE/3, (1996), pp.755-756, New Orleans, USA
3) Application of FEM Damage Simulation for Composite Laminates with Open Hole, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Haruo Nakamura and Takaomi Inada, Proc. 5th Japan International SAMPE
Symposium, (1997), pp.1115-1118, Tokyo, Japan
4) Identifying Delamination in Composite Beams Using Response Surface Methodology, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Haruo Nakamura and Kenichi Iwasaki, Proc. 2nd Joint of Canada-Japan
Workshop on Composites, (1998), pp.278-281, Montreal, Canada
5) Inexpensive Simulation of Delamination Growth in Composite Plates by Using FEM with Two-dimensional
Elements, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi, Haruo Nakamura and Takaomi Inada,
Computer Methods in Composite Materials VI CADCOMP98, (1998), pp.237-244, Montreal, Canada
6) Damage Identification in Smart Composite Beam with Piezoelectric Patches, Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc.First Asian-Australasian Conference
on Composite Materials, (1998), p.621, Osaka, Japan
7) Inexpensive Damage Propagation Simulation of Composite Laminates Using FEM with Plane Stress
Elements, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. First
Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, (1998), p.729, Osaka, Japan
8) Damage Identification Method for Smart Composite Cantilever Beams with Piezoelectric Materials,
Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. 2nd
International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, (1999), pp.986-994, Stanford, USA
9) Acceleration of Fracture Simulation of Composite Structures Using a PC Cluster, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Yosuke Yamamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. 6th Japan International SAMPE
Symposium, (1999), pp.567-570, Tokyo, Japan
10) Delamination Identification in Smart Composite Structures with Piezoelectric Patches, Takaomi Inada,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. 6th Japan International
SAMPE Symposium, (1999), pp.983-986, Tokyo, Japan
11) Inexpensive Damage Propagation Analysis of Composite Laminates by Using FEM with Plane Elements,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. ICCM-12, (1999), p.655,
Paris, France
12) Intralaminar and Interlaminar Fracture Growth Simulation of Composite Plates Based on Finite Element
Method by Using Plane Elements, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 3rd Joint
of Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, (2000), pp.149-153, Kyoto, Japan
13) Delamination Growth Simulation of Composite Plates by Using Finite Element Method, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. 9th US-Japan Conference on
Composite Materials, (2000), pp.331-337, Mishima, Japan
14) Damage Detection of CFRP Laminates Using Vibration Analysis Data, Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. 9th US-Japan Conference on
Composite Materials, (2000), pp.637-643, Mishima, Japan
15) Health Monitoring System of Composite Laminated Structures Using Vibration Data, Takaomi Inada,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. ACCM-2000, (2000),
pp.141-146 , Kyoungju, Korea
16) Prediction of Damage Growth in Composite Laminates by Fracture Simulation Method Based on FEM,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Haruo Nakamura, Proc. ACCM-2000, (2000),
pp.529-533, Kyongju, Korea
17) Delamination Identification of Composite Laminated Beams Using Frequency Response Change Method,
Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 2nd Korea-Japan Joint
Symposium on Composite Materials, (2001), pp.42-47 , Seoul, Korea
18) Damage Detection of Composite Structures Using Distributed Artificial Neurons, Yoshinobu Shimamura
and Horn Sen Tzou, Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, (2001),
pp.1409-1417 , Stanford, USA
19) Influence of Element Size on Damage Growth Simulation Based on FEM, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yosuke
Yamamura, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 7th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and
exhibition (JISSE-7), (2001), pp.809-812, Tokyo, Japan
20) Delaminated Area Identification of Composite Laminated Beams Based on Resonance and Anti-resonance
Frequency Change, Takaomi Inada, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 7th
Japan International SAMPE Symposium and exhibition (JISSE-7), (2001), pp.915-918, Tokyo, Japan
21) Damage Detection of Bolted Composite Laminates Using Electric Potential Method, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Sayaka Mukai, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 7th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and
exhibition (JISSE-7), (2001), pp.931-934, Tokyo, Japan
22) Damage Detection of CFRP Bolted Joints by Electric Resistance Change Method, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Sayaka Mukai, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. Tenth U.S.-Japan Conference on Composite
Materials, (2002), pp.215-220, Stanford, USA
23) Damage Identification of Composite Laminates Using Anti-Resonance Frequency, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Takaomi Inada, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. Fouth Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on
Composites, (2002), pp.437-443, Vancouvr, Canada
24) Delamination Identification in Composite Laminates by Anti-Resonant Frequency, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Yoshifumi Okajima, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. Third Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on
Composite Materials, (2002), pp.59-60, Yamaguchi, Japan
25) Bearing Failure Detection of Bolted Composite Joints Using Electric Resistance Change Method,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Sayaka Mukai, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. JSME/ASME International
Conference on Materials and Processing 2002, (2002), pp.362-365, Honolulu, USA
26) Measurement of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of VGCF Composite, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Motonari
Ogura , Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 8th Japan International SAMPE Symposium, 2, (2003),
pp.1075-1076, Tokyo, Japan
27) Measurement of Moisture Absorption Ratio of FRP Using Alternating-current Electric Property Change,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takashi Urabe, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 8th Japan International
SAMPE Symposium, 2, (2003), pp.1077-1080, Tokyo, Japan
28) Measurement of Moisture Absorption Ratio of FRP Using Micro Polymer Sensor, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Takashi Urabe, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Non-Destructive
Testing, (2003), p.76, Jeju Island, Korea
29) Mechanical, Thermal and electrical Properties of VGCF/Epoxy Composites, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira
Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Motonari Ogura, Proc. 5th joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites,
(2004), pp.322-327, Yonezawa, Japan
30) Damage Detection of Bolted Joints by Electric Resistance Change Method, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira
Todoroki, Hideo Kobayashi and Keiko Oda, Proc. 5th joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, (2004),
pp.416-422, Yonezawa, Japan
31) Application of Electric Resistance Change Method to Damage Detection of CFRP Bloted Joints, Keiko
Oda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi,Prc.Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture
and Strength '04, (20049, p.181, Jeju, Korea
32) Measurement of Moisture Absorption of GFRP Using Embedded Thin Polymer Sensor, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Takashi Urabe, Akira Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 11th US-Japan Conference on Composite
Materials, (2004), pp.(Dura7-1)-(Dura7-4), Yonezawa, Japan
33) Smart Structure for Damage Detection of CFRP Bolted Joints, Keiko Oda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akira
Todoroki and Hideo Kobayashi, Proc. 11th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, (2004),
pp.(Joint-1)-(Joint7-4), Yonezawa, Japan
34) Piezoresistivity of VGCF/epoxy composites, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tetsuo Yasuoka, Akira Todoroki and
Takaomi Inada, Proc. Carbon Nano Tube (CNT) - Polymer Composites International Conference, (2005),
pp.147-148, Hamburg, Germany
35) Nano-structral Control of CNT/Epoxy Composite by Alternating Electric Field, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Toru Takeuchi and Akira Todoroki, Proc. 5th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, (2005),
pp.59-60, Matsuyama, Japan
36) Detectability of Bearing Failure of Composite Bolted Joints by Electric Resistance Change Method,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiko Oda, Masahito Ueda and Akira Todoroki, Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced
Nondestructive Evaluation, (2005), p.256, Jeju Island, Korea
37) Piezoresistivity of Carbon-nanotube Composite, Tetsuo Yasuoka, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Akira
Todoroki, Proc. 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (JISSE-9), (2005), pp.341-344,
Tokyo, Japan
38) Detectability Analysis of Damage in Laminated Composite Plates by Detouring Electrical Current,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiko Oda and Akira Todoroki, Proc. 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and
Exhibition (JISSE-9), (2005), pp.905-910, Tokyo, Japan
39) Electrical Resistance Change of CFRP Laminates by Moisture Absorption, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Arata
Mugishima and Akira Todoroki, Proc. 9th Japan International SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (JISSE-9),
(2005), pp. 1152-1156, Tokyo, Japan
40) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanofiller Reinforced Polylactic Acid, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Atsushi
Yamamoku, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. JSSUME2006, (2006), pp.32-35, Jeju, Korea
41) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanofiller / Pplylactic Acid Composite, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Atsushi
Yamamoku, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. 4th Internatonal Workshop on Green Composites
(IWGG-4), (2006), pp.37-40, Tokyo, Japan
42) Unidirectional Alignment of Carbon Nanofillers in Epoxy with AC Electric Field, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Naoki Okuda, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc.12th U.S.-Japan Conference on Composite Materials,
(2006), pp.108-113, Dearborn, USA
43) Application to Strain Measurement of Carbon-Nanotube/Flexible-Epoxy Composite, Tetsuo Yasuoka,
Yoshinobu Shimamura and Akira Todoroki, Proc. 2006 Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength
(APCFS'06), (20069, p.192, Sanya, China
44) FRP Fracture Simulation Using Parallel Processing on a PC Cluster, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yosuke
Yamamura and Akira Todoroki, Proc. 2006 Asian Pacific Conference for Fracture and Strength (APCFS'06),
(2006), p.201, Sanya, China
45) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Atsuhi
Yamamoku, Keiichiro Tohgo, Sigeru Tasaka and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. 10th International Conference on
Mechanical Behavior of Materials (ICM-10), (2007), pp.1225-1228, Busan, Korea
46) Strain Sensing by Using Piezoresistivity of Carbon-Nanotube/Flexible-Epoxy Composite, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Tetsuo Yasuoka and Akira Todoroki, Proc.16th International Conference on Composite Materials
(ICCM-16), (2007), pp.1198-1199, Kyoto, Japan
47) Fatigue of Metal Free Reed Due to Self-Excited Oscillation, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Hiroyasu Araki, Yosuke Mizuno, Masaru Hashimoto and Tokuichi Inoue, Proc. 7th International Conference
on Fracture and Strength of Solids (FEOFS2007), (2007), p.84, Urumqi, China
48) Large-Strain Sensing Ability of Carbon-Nanofiller/Flexible Epoxy Composites, Tetsuo Yasuoka,
Yoshinobu Shimamura and Akira Todoroki, Proc. International Conference on Advanced Technology in
Experimental Mechanics 2007 (ATEM'07), (2007), p.149, Fukuoka, Japan
49) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid at Room and Elevated
Temperatures, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yayoi Shibata, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. 6th
Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, (2007), pp.46-47, Pohang, Korea
50) Mechanical Properties of Natural Fiber Reinforced Soybean-Based Resin Fabricated by VaRTM, Tomoo
Ono, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. JISSE-10, (2007), pp.(GC2-1)-1 -
(GC2-1)-4, Tokyo, Japan
51) Conductive Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned Carbon Nanofiber/Epoxy composite, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Toshihiro Chiba, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroyasu Araki and Shin Ishiwata, Proc. JISSE-10, (2007),
pp.(NC1-4)-1 - (NC1-4)-6, Tokyo, Japan
52) Large Strain Measurement by Using Carbon Nanofiber/Elastomer Composite Patch, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Tetsuo Yasuoka and Akira Todoroki, Proc. JISSE-10, (2007), pp.(SN2-3)-1 - (SN2-3)-6, Tokyo, Japan
53) Fracture Toughness of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Polylactic Acid at Room and Elevated Temperatures,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yayoi Shibata, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc.ICCES'08, (2008), pp.
527-532, Honolulu, U.S.A.
54) Low-stiffness Strain Sensor by Using Carbon-Nanofiller/Flexible-Epoxy Composites, Yoshinobu
Shimamura,Tetsuo Yasuoka and Akira Todoroki, Proceedings of the 2008 SEM XI International Congress and
Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, (2008), CD-ROM 149, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A.
55) Thermoset Green Composite by Using Natural Fiber and Acrylated Epoxidized Soybean Oil Resin,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoo Ono, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc. 7th Joing Canada-Japan
Workshop on Composites, (2008), pp.3-8, Fujisawa, Japan
56) Long Natural Fiber Reinforced Thermoset Green Composite by Using AESO Resin, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Tomoo Ono, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, Proc.5th International Workshop on Green Composites
(IWGC-5), (2008), pp.47-50, Fukushima, Japan
57) Effect of the Type of CNF on Material Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned CNF/Epoxy Composites,
Toshihiro Chiba, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, JSSUME2008, pp.133-136,
Hamamatsu, Japan
58) Measurement of Strain Field of Carbon Nanotube Dispersed Resin, Takayuki Kobayashi, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, JSSUME2008, pp.137-139, Hamamatsu, Japan
59) Development of Ultrasonic Torsion Fatigue Testing Machine, Souichiro Nakazato, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki, JSSUME2008, pp.160-163, Hamamatsu, Japan
60) In-plane and Out-of-plane Fracture Toughness of Paper-based Friction Material, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Takuya Wada, Keiichiro Tohgo, Hiroyasu Araki, Shinobu Sasaki, Hiroki Hara and Kazuyuki Okui, Proc. 6th
Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials(ACCM-6), (2008), pp.180-183, Kumamoto, Japan
61)Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned Carbon Nanofiber/Epoxy Composites by
Using Ac Electrical Field, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toshihiro Chiba, Keiichiro Tohgo and Hiroyasu Araki,
Proc. ICCM-17, (2009), E1.15(8p), Edinburgh, UK
62) Conductive and Mechanical Properties of Unidirectionally Aligned CNF/Epoxy Composites by Using AC
Electrical Field, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toshihiro Chiba and Keiichiro Tohgo, Proc. 7th Japan-Korea Joint
Symposium on Composite Materials, pp.279-280, Kanazawa, Japan
63) Water Absorption Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Hemp Fiber Reinforced Green Composites Under
Environmental Temperature, Hideaki Katogi, Kenichi Takemura and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Proc. 3rd
China-Japan Joint Seminor on Green Composite, (2009), G8, Shanghai, China
64) Mechanical Properties of Jute Yarn Reinforced AESO Resin, Tetsuya Hayama, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Proc. 11th Japan International SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition
(JISSE-11), (2009), GC-1-1(6p), Tokyo, Japan
65) Development of Electrical Resistance Type Strain Sensor By Using CNF/Flexible Epoxy Composite,
Kyohei Kageyama, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Proc. 11th Japan International
SAMPE Symposium & Exhibition (JISSE-11), (2009), NM-2-2(6p), Tokyo, Japan
66) Microscopic Structure Control of Carbon Nanofiller/Epoxy Composite by Using AC Electrical Field and
the Effect on Physical Properties, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toshihiro Chiba, Naoki Okuda and Keiichiro
Tohgo, Proc. 2010 M&M International Symposium for Young Researchers, (2010), 302(13p), Pasadena,
67) Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics under Hot-Wet Environment, Hideaki Katogi,
Kenichi Takemura and Yoshinobu Shimamura, Proc. 8th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of
Solids, (2010), A050(6p), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
68) Cyclic Behavior of Electrical Resistance Type Low Stiffness, Large Strain Sensor by using Carbon
Nanofiber/ Flexible Epoxy, Composite Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kyohei Kageyama, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyoki
Fujii, Proc. 8th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids, (2010), A261(6p), Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia
69) Microscale Strain Measurement of Polymer by Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy of Carbon Nanotubes,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takayuki Kobayashi and Keiichiro Tohgo, Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced
Materials & Structures, (2010), p.26, Harbin, China
70) Tensile Property of Carbon Nanotube Spun Yarn, Mikihisa Ishihara, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, Junichi Muramatsu and Yoshitaka Minami, JSSUME 2010, (2010),
pp.151-154, Gyeongsan, Korea
71) Fatigue Properties of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Koichiro Narita, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Tooru Yagasaki and Mamamichi Harada,
JSSUME 2010, (2010), pp.191-194, Gyeongsan, Korea
72) Fatigue Property and Mechanism of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced PLA, Hideaki Katogi,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, IWGC-6, (2010), pp.132-134, Gumi, Korea
73) Estimation of Effective Young's Modulus of Spun Yarn in Composite Materials Using Yarn Theory,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tetsuo Hayama, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, IWGC-6, (2010), pp.155-157,
Gumi, Korea
74) Fatigue Behavior of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced PLA, Hideaki Katogi, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, ICFC-5, (2010), pp.300-310, Nanjing, China
75) Strength Measurement of Carbon Fibers Reclaimed from CF/epoxy Using Sub- and Supercritical Fluids,
Toshiro Ueda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Idzumi Okajima, Masataka Hiramatsu,
Takeshi Sako, 5th ISEM, (2010), 082.pdf (CD-ROM), Kyoto, Japan
76) Cyclic Behavior of Piezoresistive Strain Sensor by Using Carbon Nanofiber/Flexible Epoxy Composite,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kyohei Kageyama, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, 3rd APWSHM 2010, (2010),
2B11(7p) (CD-ROM), Tokyo, Japan
77) Tensile Strength of Carbon Fibers Reclaimed From CF/Epoxy Using Sub- and Supercritical Fluids,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toshiro Ueda, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Idzumi Okajima, Masataka Hiramatsu
and Takeshi Sako, JSME/ASME 2011 International Conference on Materials & Processing (ICM&P2011),
(2011), ICMP2011-51028(5p)(CD-ROM), Corvallis, USA
78) Fatigue Properties of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime Under Torsional Loading,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Koichiro Narita, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Tooru Yagasaki and
Masamichi Harada, Fifth International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF5), (2011), pp.381-386,
Berlin, Germany
79) Mechanical Properties of Unidirectional MWNT Sheet/Epoxy Composites, Naoki Morisawa, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, ICCM-18, (2011), F25-3-AF0527(5p)(CD-ROM),
Jeju, Korea
80) Mechanical Property of Carbon Nanotube Composite Using Spun Yarn Reinforcement, Mikihisa Ishihara,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue and Junichi Muramatsu, ICCM-18, (2011),
F25-4-AF0531(4p)(CD-ROM), Jeju, Korea
81) Fatigue Behavior of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced Biodegradable Resin, Hideaki Katogi,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, ICCM-18, (2011), Th24-3-AF0511(4p)(CD-ROM),
Jeju, Korea
82) Tensile Property of Carbon Nanotube Spun Yarn Reinforced Composite, Mikihisa Ishihara, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue and Junichi Muramatsu, ATEM'11, (2011), p.38,
Kobe, Japan
83) Fatigue Properties of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced Biodegradable Resin, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Hideaki Katogi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, JISSE-12, (2011), GRN-3 (6p)(CD-ROM),
Tokyo, Japan
84) Theory for the Extension of Spun Yarn Reinforced Composites, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo
and Tomoyuki Fujii, APCFS-MM 2012, (2012), 119.pdf(2p)(CD-ROM), Busan, Korea
85) Tensile Strength of Aramid Fibers Reclaimed From Aramid Fiber Reinforced Plastic Using Supercritical
Acetone, Taich Awaya, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Idzumi Okajima, Syohgo
Harami and Takeshi Sako, JSSUME2012, (2012), pp.23-25, Iojima, Japan
86) Fatigue Property of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced PBS Composites, Koji Iwata, Hideaki
Katogi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, JSSUME2012, (2012), pp.27-30, Iojima,
87) Development of Accelerated Fretting Fatigue Testing Method Using Ultrasonic Torsional Fatigue
Testing Machine, Hiroki Masuda, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Shingo Kamada, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Toru Yagasaki and Masamich Harada, JSSUME2012, (2012), pp.43-45, Iojima, Japan
88) Theory of the Extension of Spun Yarn Reinforced Green Composites, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Rie Nakamura,
Koichi Goda, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, IWGC-7, (2012), pp.120-122, Hamamatsu, Japan
89) Effect of Biodegradable Resin on Fatigue Property of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced
Composite, Hideaki Katogi, Koji Iwata, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Kenichi
Takemura, IWGC-7, (2012), pp.123-125, Hamamatsu, Japan
90) Fatigue Property of Unidirectional Jute Spun Yarn Reinforced PBS Composites, Koji Iwata, Hirokazu
Iguchi, Hideaki Katogi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, IWGC-7, (2012),
pp.136-138, Hamamatsu, Japan (Poster)
91) Fatigue Property of Jute Monofilament, Kazunori Uematsu, Hideaki Katogi, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, IWGC-7, (2012), pp.139-140, Hamamatsu, Japan (Poster)
92) High Performance CNT Composites Using CNT Preform, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Mikihisa Ishihara, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, ASC 27th Technical Conference & 15th US-Japan Conference on
Composite Materials, (2012), 139.pdf(6p), Arlington, USA
93) Effect of Tension Under Curing Process on Mechanical Properties of MWNT Spun Yarn Reinforced Epoxy,
Kahori Oshima, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, Laser Processing for
CFRP and Composite Materials 2013, (2013), LPCC2-3.pdf(2p), Yokohama, Japan
94) Mechanical Property of Unidirectional MWNT Tape/PE Composite, Satoshi Suzuki, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, FEOFS2013, (2013), OS32-014.pdf(9p), Jeju, Korea
95) Mechanical Property of Recycle Carbon Fiber and CFRP, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Taichi Awaya, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Idzumi Okajima and Takeshi Sako FEOFS2013, (2013), OS32-015.pdf(5p), Jeju,
96) Mechanical Property of Carbon Nanotube Yarn Reinforced Epoxy, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kahori Oshima,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, ICCM-19, 5383-5390, Montreal, Canada
97) Effect of Cyclic Loading Frequency on Fatigue Property of Jute Monofilament, Kazunori Uematsu,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideaki Katogi, Keiichirou Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, JISSE-13, (2013), 2203(4p),
Nagoya, Japan
98) Tensile Property of CNT Spun Yarn Strand Reinforced Epoxy, Kahori Oshima, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichirou Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, JISSE-13, (2013), 1203(4p), Nagoya, Japan
99) Fatigue Property of Jute Fiber Monofilament, Kazunori Uematsu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hideaki Katogi,
Keiichirou Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, Mini Symposium on Green Composites, (2013), pp.113-119, Seoul,
Korea (Poster)
100) Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy Using CNT Spun Yarn Preform, Kahori Oshima, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Keiichirou Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, Mini Symposium on Green Composites, (2013), pp.127-134,
Seoul, Korea (Poster)
101) Fretting Fatigue Testing of Carburized Alloy Steel in Very High Cycle Regime Using an Ultrasonic
Torsional Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Akito Kokubo, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo,
Tomoyuki Fujii, Tooru Yagasaki, Masamichi Harada, Fatigue 2014, (2014) pp 1152-1156, Melbourne,
102) Fatigue Strength and Fatigue Damage Evolution of Jute Fiber Monofilament, Yoshinobu Shimamura,
Kazunori Uematsu, Hideaki Katogi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, ICGC-8, (2014), pp.15-17, Seoul,
103) Interlaminar Shear Stregnth of CFRP Using Recycled Carbon Fiber, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Taichi Awaya,
Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Idzumi Okajima and Takeshi Sako, ICM&P2014, ICMP2014-4912(4p),(2014),
Detroit, U.S.A.
104) Damping Vibration Analysis of Composite Materials Using Mode Superposition and Homogenization
Method, Kazuyuki Kobayashi, Takao Koayama, Asumi Sugimura, Masahiro Arai and Yoshinobu Shimamura,
JSSUME2014, pp.191-194, (2014), Yokohama, Japan
105) Fretting Fatigue Property of Alloy Steels under Torsional Loading in Very High Cycle Fatigue,
Takanori Izumikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Toru Yagasaki
and Soichiro Sumida, JSSUME2014, pp.295-298, (2014), Yokohama, Japan
106) Mechanical Property and Morphology of Untwisted Carbon Nanotube Yarn, Yudai Yamaguchi, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, JSSUME2014, pp.307-310, (2014), Yokohama,
107) Can natural fiber be replaced with glass fiber for long-term application under cyclic and constant
loading?, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kazunori Uematsu, Hideaki Katogi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii,
DURACOSYS2014, Or21.pdf(5p), (2014), Tokyo, Japan (Keynote)
108) Accerelated Testing Method for Fretting Fatigue by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine,
Takanori Izumikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Toru Yagasaki
and Soichiro Sumida, The 3rd Japan-China Joint Symposium on Fatigue of Engineering Materials and
Structures, pp.14-17, (2014), Takayama, Japan
109) Tensile Properties of Carbon Nanotube/Epoxy Composite Fabricated by Pultrusion of Carbon Nanotube
Spun Yarn, Yoshnobu Shimamura, Kahori Oshima, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, ICCM-20,
2202-4(6p), (2014), Copenhagen, Denmark
110) Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Epoxy with High Fiber Volume Fraction Using CNT Spun Yarn Preform,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kahori Oshima, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, The 10th Korea-Japan
Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, pp.17-18, (2015), Jeonju, Korea
111) Influence of Atmospheric Plasma Treatment on the Interfacial Properties of Carbon Nanotube, Toshiki
Kamei, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, 14th Japan International
SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (JISSE-14), 0034.pdf(4p), (2015), Kanazawa, Japan
112) Analysis of Elastic Tensile Behavior of Polymer Composites Reinforced with Aligned Spun Yarn
Preforms, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Diyun Miao, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, 14th Japan International
SAMPE Symposium and Exhibition (JISSE-14), 0062.pdf(3p), (2015), Kanazawa, Japan
113) Fretting Fatigue Technique Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hitoshi
Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, 14th Joint Symposium between Sister Universities in
Mechanical Engineering, pp.9-10, (2016), Jeju, Korea
114) Evaluation of Very Hight Cycle Fatigue Properties of Ti-22V-4Al by Using an Ultrasonic Fagitue
Testing Machine, Reo Kasahara, Masasto Nishikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki
Fujii, 14th Joint Symposium between Sister Universities in Mechanical Engineering, pp.56-57, (2016),
Jeju, Korea
115) Effect of Atmospheric Plasm Treatment on Interfacial Strenght of CNT/Epoxy Composite, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Toshiki Kame, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, APCFS2016, pp.335-336, (2016),
Toyama, Japan
116) Rupture of Jute Filament under Constant Loading, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kazunori Uematsu, Hideaki
Katogi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 9th International Conference on Green Composites,
ICGC-9_S07-01.pdf(4p), (2016), Kobe, Japan
117) Evaluation of Very High Cycle Fatigue Properties of β-Titanium Alloy by Using an Ultrasonic
Fatigue Testing Machine, Reo Kasahara, Masato Nishikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki
Fujii, AEPA 2016, p.83, (2016), Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
118) Accelrated Fretting Fatigue Testing by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine with a Clamping
Contact Pad, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tokanori Izumikawa, Hitoshi Ishii, Tomoyuki Fujii, Toru Yagasaki and
Soichiro Sumida, VHCF-7, pp.352-356, (2017), Dresden, Germany
119) Very High Cycle Fatigue Testing of CFRP Laminates by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine,
Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, 11th Japan Korea Joint
Symposium on Composite Materials, p.11, (2017), Sendai, Japan
120) Very High Cycle Axial Fatigue Testing of CFRP laminates by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing
Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 7th International
Conference on the Fatigue of Composites, p.43, (2018), Vicenza, Italy
121) Resistance Welding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics by Using Unidirectionally Aligned
Carbon Nanotube Sheet, Yuhi Suzuki, Hiroaki Okabe, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii,
JSSUME2018, pp.83-84, (2018), Hamamatsu, Japan
122) Improving Crystallinity of Carbon Nanotube Yarn by Joule Heating, Hayato Uchiyama, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, PHENMA2018, p.153, (2018), Busan, Korea
123) Very High Cycle Fatigue Testing of Quasi-Isotropic CFRP Laminates by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue
Testing Machine, Takuya Hayashi, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, PHENMA2018,
p.349, (2018), Busan, Korea
124) Tensile Property of Untwisted Carbon Nanotube Yarn, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yudai Yamaguchi, Keiichiro
Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, The 11th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solids,
pp.122-123, (2018), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
125) Preparation and Characterisation of Cellulose Nanofiber Sheet, Devendran Thirunavukarasu, Yuta
Saito, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 10th International Conference on
Green Composites, ICGC-10-001(2p), (2018), Quanzhou, China
126) Mechanical Propreties of Cellulose Nanofibr/Glass Fiber/Epoxy Hybrid Composite, Yuta Saito,
Yasuhito Yamazaki, Devendran Thirunavukarasu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii,
The 10th International Conference on Green Composites, ICGC-10-016(1p), (2018), Quanzhou, China
127) Fretting
Fatigue Behaviour of Alloy Steel in the Very High Cycle Region, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Reo
Kasahara, Hitoshi Ishii, Keiichiro Tohgo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Toru Yagasaki and Soichiro Sumida, The 12th
International Conference on Multiaxial Fatigue and Fracture (ICMFF12), MATEC Web of Conference, 300,
18002, (2019), Bordeaux, France
128) Effect of Variable Loading on Very High Cycle Fretting Fatigue of Chromium Molybdenum Steel, Kyosuke Nomura, Naoki Tonooka, Yoshinobu
Shimamura, Hitoshi Ishii, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, The 2nd International Conference on
Nanomaterials & Advanced Composites, p.76 (2019), Taipei, Taiwan
129) Resin Impregnation of Solvent Treated Cellulose Nanofiber Preform by Solution Dipping Technique,
Devendran Thirunavukarasu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, The 2nd International
Conference on Nanomaterials & Advanced Composites, p.88 (2019), Taipei, Taiwan
129) Very High Cycle Fagitue of CFRP Laminate, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Hitoshi Miyazaki,
Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 2nd International Conference on Nanomaterials & Advanced
Composites, p.46 (2019), Taipei, Taiwan (Invited)
130) Effect of Welding Condtion on Resistance Welding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastics Using
Carbon Nanotube Heating Element, Yuhi Suzuki, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii,
The 6th Joint-Symposium on Mechanics of Advanced Materials & Structures 2019 (JSMAMS2019), pp.37-38
(2019), Hamamatsu, Japan (Poster)
131) Effect of Water Absorption on Tensile Properties of Cellulose Nanofiber/Glass Fiber Hybrid
Composite Material, Masashi Shinju, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 12th
Korea-Japan Symposium on Composite Materials, A-08.pdf(2p), (2019), Changwon, Korea
132) Preparation and Mechanical Characterization of Cellulose Nanofiber Reinforced Epoxy Films Using
Solution Dipping Technique, Devendran Thirunavukarasu, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki
Fujii, The 12th Korea-Japan Symposium on Composite Materials, A-010.pdf (2p), (2019), Changwon,
133) Accelerated Axial Fatigue Testing of CFRP Laminate by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Hitoshi Ishii, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, The 8th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF8), 3B02(3p),
(2021), Sapporo (Online), Japan
134) Evaluation of Very High Cycle Fatigue Property of CFRP Laminates by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue
Testing Technique, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Keiichiro Tohgo and Tomoyuki Fujii, 2021
China-Japan Academic and Technical Exchange Conference on Composite Materials, p.9 of
Abstacts_Keynote.pdf (2021), Anhui (Online), China (Keynote)
135) Effect of Cellulose Nanofiber Concentration of Hydrogel and Diameter of Injection Nozzle on Processability of Cellulose Nanofiber Yarn by Wet Spinning, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hiroki Kondo and Tomoyuki Fujii, The 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (NAC 2022), (2022), Tokushima, Japan (Invited)
136) Evaluation of the Effect of CNT Diameter on Tensile Strength by Using Sonication-induced Fragmentation, Po-Wei Su, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, The 3rd International Conference on Nanomaterials and Advanced Composites (NAC 2022), (2022), Tokushima, Japan (Poster)
137) Density and Tensile Property of Cellulose Nanofiber Yarn Produced by Wet-Spinning, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Hiroki Kondo, Tomoyuki Fujii, Keiichiro Tohgo, The 11th International Conference on Green Composites (ICGC-11), (2022), Changwon, Korea (Invited)
138) Evaluation of Tensile Strength of Carbon Nanotube by Sonication-induced Scission, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Po-Wei Su, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, The 6th International Conference on Materials and Reliability, OS1-26 (C10022).pdf(2p), (2022), Yamaguchi, Japan
139) Effect of fusion temperature on the lap-shear strength of fusion bonded joint of titanium alloy using thermoplastic film as fusion bonding layer, Kenya Hirakose, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, The 6th International Conference on Materials and Reliability, PS-3 (C10041) .pdf(1p), (2022), Yamaguchi, Japan (Poster)
140) Resistance Welding of Thermoplastic Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites with Carbon Nanotube, Keisuke Sano, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, The 6th International Conference on Materials and Reliability, PS-23 (C10177) .pdf(1p), (2022), Yamaguchi, Japan (Poster)
141) Very High Cycle Axial Fatigue Property of CFRP Laminates Evaluated by Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Daiki Kawashima, Takuma Hashimoto, Tomoyuki Fujii, Atsushi Hosoi, Hiroyuki Kawada, The 9th International Conference on the Fatigue of Composites (ICFC9), (2023), Vicenza, Italy
142) Evaluation of Very High Cycle Fatigue Property of Quasi-isotropic CFRP Laminate Using Ultrasonic Fatigue Testing Machine, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Takuya Hayashi, Tomoyuki Fujii and Keiichiro Tohgo, The 2nd Japan-China-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, 2B05_Yoshinobu Shimamura.pdf(2p), (2023), Kanazawa, Japan
143) Effect of the Shape of Cross Section of Wet-spun Cellulose Nanofiber Yarn on Resin Impregnation, Yudai Higuchi, Yoshinobu Shimamura and Tomoyuki Fujii, ATEM-iDICs′23, 10-D11-A071-higuchi.pdf(1p), (2023), Awara, Japan
144) Very High Cycle Fretting Fatigue Property of Chromium Molybdenum Steel in Oil-lubricated Environment, Shimpei Ogawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Toru Yagasaki and Tomoyuki Fujii, ATEM-iDICs′23, 04-I21-A073-Ogawa.pdf(1p), (2023), Awara, Japan
145) Resistance Welding of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Laminates by Using Carbon Nanotube Sheet as Heating Element, Keisuke Sano, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, ATEM-iDICs′23, 10-E24-A072-sano.pdf(1p), (2023), Awara, Japan
146) Effect of Mean Torsional Stress on Torsional Fatigue Strength in the Very High Cycle Regime for Spring and Bearing Steels, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Yusuke Hayashi, Masao Kinefuchi, Ryota Tanegashima, Kazuya Sugitani, Yusuke Sandaiji, Tomoyuki Fujii, Shoichi Kikuchi and Keiichiro Tohgo, Fatigue 2022+1, p.275, (2023), Hiroshima, Japan
147) Evaluation of Very High Cycle Fretting Fatigue Property of Low Alloy Steel Under Oil Lubricant Environment, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Shimpei Ogawa, Tooru Yagasaki and Tomoyuki Fujii, 9th International Conference on Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF9), pp.66-68, (2024), Lisbon, Portugal
148) Observation of Fracture Portions of Carbon Nanotubes Fragmented by Ultrasonication, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Po-wei Su, Tomoyuki Fujii and Yoku Inoue, The 10th International Conference on Advanced Materials Development & Performance (AMDP 2024), p.55, Tokushima, Japan (Invited)
149) Axial Loading Fatigue Property of Solid Fine Wires of Eutectoid Steel, Tsubasa Nakashima, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Kazutaka Tokutomi, Keisuke Kawashima, Takahisa Shizuku, Tomoyuki Fujii, APCFS2024, A114.pdf(4p), (2024), Matsue
150) Evaluation of Strength of Resistance Welding Joints of Thermoplastic Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composite by Using Carbon Nanotube Sheet Heater, Ayano Yamamoto, Keisuke Sano, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, APCFS2024, C108.pdf(3p), (2024), Matsue
151) Evaluation of Effect of Annealing and Diameter on Tensile Strength of Carbon Nanotube Using Ultrasonic Cavitation Induced Fragmentation, Jin Shirasaka, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, Yoku Inoue, APCFS2024, C116.pdf(4p), (2024), Matsue
152) Investigation on Processing Conditions and Tensile Properties of Wet-Spun Ribbons of Unidirectionally Aligned Cellulose Nanofibers, Kazuki Yoshikawa, Yoshinobu Shimamura, Tomoyuki Fujii, 12th International Conference on Green Composites, p.47, (2024), Kochi